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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Traditional Beverages Becoming Popular among people of Jaipur.

With the advancement of Information technology and evolution of social media platforms people at large are now more aware about health issues and have become health conscious by thinking smartly about intake of food specially cold drinks, carbonated drinks etc. 

Therefore nowadays Rajsthan's indigenous traditional drinks like Lassi, Chhaachh (Butter Milk), Sugarcane Juice, Raabdi, Rabadi, and Kaanji Bade are becoming popular among the public.

Earlier people would rush to grab cola, pepsi or fenta to quench the thirst. Indian people are blindly following the western culture.  Indian people foolishly imitating European and American culture without thinking logically. 

But for last few years people have been readily quitting the habit of gulping carbonated drinks and opting for traditional drinks of Rajasthan, which are very apt according to the atmosphere of this land.

These drinks are really good and beneficial for health and suits to the local environment. The food must be as per the climate of the land you are residing in. And the land of Rajasthan and its atmosphere advocates for drinking indigenous drinks. 

By keeping in view the atmosphere of the Rajasthan, there should be Thadis (temporary shop structures) and shops selling Chhaachh, Aam Panna, Raabri instead of 'Chai Ki Thadi'. Chai does not suits to our weather conditions except winters. 

There is a big question also, why we Indians left the tradition of rearing cows in our homes?
Well, here was a well thought out plan/conspiracy to destroy the Cow Rearing tradition of India. At First, the pasture lands (Chaaraagaah Bhumi/ Green Lands) were destroyed by the then government ruled us just after becoming an Independent union of states. Paths of rivers were blocked knowingly to make them dry. So when there will not be river water in the village the green land will automatically become dry.  When there was lack of fodder for cows and buffalos, its rates grew heavily. People could not afford the high rates of fodder and also there was shortage of green land for animals for day time outing activity.